EECS Course Curriculum

This webpage has the details of course curriculum for ECE and CSE majors. The deatils may get updated from time to time. Visit this page for updates.

B.Tech. (4-Year) and B.Tech.-M.Tech. (5-Year) Tentative Curriculum [for 2025 admission batch]

Admission to B.Tech. programme will be through IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) 2025. Visit the IAT website for details on the application process.


BS (4-Year) and BS-MS (5-Year) Curriculum 


Other Documents:


What is the curriculum for B.Tech.?

The tentative B.Tech. curriculum is available on this webpage. Any change on the curriculum will be updated on the website.

How one can take admission in B.Tech. at IISER Bhopal?

Admission to B.Tech. will start from 2025 through IISER Aptitude Test (IAT). Please visit

What are the B.Tech. majors available in EECS department at IISER Bhopal?

At this stage, EECS department offers majors in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)


Can one chose electives outside the 2 buckets given like a course in physics or any other subject?

Yes. You can choose open electives from other departments. However, it is recommended that you choose OE-I and OE-III from the buckets to ensure you have enough exposure in the majors.

What will be the name of the degree of a certain majors?

The degree will be called "BS in ECE or CSE or EECS from Department of EECS" and so on depending on the list of courses you complete in the program.

Will CSE students have to take labs involving experiments from electrical/electronics?

Yes. Common courses are compulsory for both the majors. Different set of lab experiments may be designed for ECE or CSE majors in future. At present, common lab experiments will be there for both the majors. The lab experiments may vary from the uploaded content depnding on the availability of resources, manpower, instructor, etc.